About mariahardie


Resource Trial – Sage Knowledge Video

LJMU is trialling ‘Sage Knowledge Video‘ for these 3 subjects
for 12 months until April 2019:

Criminology & Criminal Justice
Business & Management


Each collection includes a wide range of videos to support learning, teaching and research needs. Videos have searchable transcripts, custom clip creation and embedding.

Take a look at these academic and Evidence-Based video collections today. Read more ‘About Sage Knowledge Video‘ and browse full lists of titles and Instructor Manuals.

Want to improve your research on geopolitics, terrorism or global media?

You are invited to a short demonstration of a new resource.
BBC Monitoring Portal and Terrorism Digest

BBC Monitoring translates and analyses news and information from freely available media sources around the world. Material is available in 100 different languages and covers 150 countries.

Nick Reynolds from BBC Monitoring will demonstrate this resource in the
Aldham Robarts Library, Seminar Room 2 (on the Lower ground floor)
at 2pm, Wednesday 29th March.
The session will last no more than 45 minutes.